SearchSearch SearchSearch Trace Brooks Advisor Category: Estate Planning Attorney AttorneyTrace Brooks Law LLCAddress: 1579 Monroe Drive Northeast, Suite F826 Atlanta, Georgia 30324 United States Phone: (404) 492-9559Email: trace@tracebrookslaw.comWebsite Clifton Dortch Advisor Categories: Estate Planning Attorney and Financial Advisor/Consultant Attorney & AdvisorBalentine, LLCAddress: 3344 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 2200 Atlanta, Georgia 30305 United States Phone: 404-537-4810Email: cdortch@balentine.comWebsite Lawrence H. “Larry” Freiman Advisor Category: Estate Planning Attorney AttorneyMendenFreiman LLPAddress: 5565 Glenridge Connector N.E. Atlanta, Georgia 30342 United States Phone: 770-379-1450Fax: 770-379-1455Email: lfreiman@mendenfreiman.comWebsite Stephen R. Klorfein Advisor Category: Estate Planning Attorney AttorneyChaiken Klorfein, LLCAddress: 1140 Hightower Trail, Building 2, Suite 300 Atlanta, Georgia 30350 United States Phone: 770-641-5919 ext 11Fax: 770-641-5920Email: srk@chaikenklorfein.comWebsite Tiffany N. McKenzie Advisor Category: Estate Planning Attorney AttorneyHarrison & HeldAddress: 1180 West Peachtree Street, Suite 2040 Atlanta, Georgia 30309 United States Phone: 404-566-4303Email: tmckenzie@harrisonheld.comWebsite Anthony C. “Tony” Smith Advisor Categories: Certified Financial Planner and Estate Planning Attorney Attorney & Certified Financial PlannerAnthony Smith Advisors, Inc.Address: 2999 Piedmont Road, N.E., Suite 100 Atlanta, Georgia 30305 United States Phone: 404-231-1414Fax: 404-231-9693Email: anthony@anthonysmithadvisors.comWebsite